

University of Memphis Residency

I facilitated a residency September 15-19 on Devising and Directing at my alma mater, The University of Memphis. Artists at Work: Video Interview with Latrelle Bright: Video Friday, September 15 -Panel Discussion on Diversity and Inclusion in Theatre Education Saturday, September…

Folklore as Communication

I had the great pleasure of spending a couple of hours with 25 energetic and determined young professionals from various countries in sub-Saharan Africa.  The topic was Folklore as Communication.  We engaged in dialogue around the varied definitions of folklore but the…

Water and the Common Good

I facilitated a workshop hosted by Prairie Rivers Network with the support of the Illinois Speaks micro-grant through Illinois Humanities. Working with the local Girl Scout troupe in Springfield, the workshop was shaped around the issue of a just transition from coal to…

Rethinking Fanon

Rethinking Fanon was a day-long workshop hosted by Planners Network.  I led an Augusto Boal exercise and a writing exercise as part of their larger discussion of Fanon’s The Wretched of the Earth focused on power and violence.

Environment Matters

Environment Matters was a series of arts-based civic dialogue workshops devoted to exploring the four elements (earth, water, air and fire) presented by Latrelle Bright. Through storytelling, music, movement, creative writing and spirited dialogue, visitors will examine each element from it basis in…